Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Fences around water

Sunday, February 14 saw us visiting a couple of villages in the area of Sukubumi, West Java, which are losing access to their traditional sources of water: springs. Water bottling companies buy the land on which the springs are located, then build fences around them so that local people, who have traditionally used the springs when their own wells dry up, can no longer access them. In one case, the company has hired a guard and built a guardhouse inside the fence. The guard grows rice on the surrounding land to supplement his income. In this picture, one of the Kruha staff stands in front of the fence and the guardhouse.


  1. Great posts Fiona. Good to see you getting your feet wet. :>)

  2. Facinating and tragic Fiona. One would never expect a fence for such a purpose as it would seem too illogical to imagine.
    Thanks for sharing.

  3. Hello John and Dick! Glad you're following. John, I had been making a lot of jokes about wishing I'd brought rubber boots until Jess told me a story about being lent some in a community. It's now a threat, not a wish. Dick, you're so right.


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